Teenagers find “frozen” creature stuck under car, rushes it to the vet who can’t believe her eyes

Two teenage boys were walking through their local area when they noticed a crowd of people huddled around a car.

As they got closer they tried to make out what the crowd was looking at, but it was the strangest site.

A creature was just frozen, unable to move.

The boys knew they had to act quickly if this animal was to survive but they had no idea how to help the poor critter.

It was in the Canadian town of Saint Andrews in New Brunswick that friends Jaydon Pettipas and Aidan Hart made the unusual discovery, reports news channel CBC in Canada.

The two teenage boys would be hailed as heroes for their actions before the end of the day.

When they noticed a group of people huddled around they had to see what had caused them to stop and stare. But even close up they weren’t sure what they were looking at.

The animal was barely recognizable and looked like it was frozen solid.






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