We, as a society, are no strangers to controversy. Methods that work for a few may not work for others. However, almost everyone has an opinion on the “correct way” to do things. One such topic that has sparked a range of opinions is breastfeeding, specifically in public, and one woman shared a photo that got a lot of mixed feedback.
Breastfeeding Goes Viral
Breastfeeding can be an integral part of ensuring a baby is well nourished. Moreover, there are countless benefits that babies can get from breastfeeding including developing a strong emotional bond with their mom and other health benefits like a healthy immune system. However, for a multitude of reasons, breastfeeding in public makes some people feel uncomfortable and, oddly, even enraged. Trinati, who has more than 7,000 followers on Instagram, posted a picture of herself in 2017, in which she was breastfeeding her daughter inside a Costco. She shared that she makes a point of feeding her 17-month-old no matter where they are, “never shying away from providing” for her kids. As a result, she often finds herself breastfeeding in public.
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